WhatsApp is nowadays one of the leading messaging apps in the market because it offers a wide range of security features. A new one was added recently and it is a two-step verification option that will provide security and safety to your account. In this article, we will explain how to change WhatsApp password and how to update it in the Passwarden storage.
Here is how you change your Whatsapp password.
1. Open your Whatsapp app
2. Go to the settings button in the top right corner
3. Click on the account option
4. Tap on the two-step verification section
5. Click on change pin
6. Change the code with a new 6-digit pin then next
7. Re-Enter the new pin, then confirm
Forgetting a password and losing access to your account is possible and it happens to just about anyone. If this happens to you with WhatsApp, you will not be able to access the app. Here is a guide on what you should do in this case.
First, you will need to enable the two-step verification then change it and add a new password.
1. When the app asks for your code or pin, click on forgot password
2. Tap on send email
3. You will receive a link by email to reset your passcode
4. To disable the two-step verification, click on confirm
After following these instructions, you can set a new password or change it to keep your account safe and secure.
Here is how to add your new password to the Passwarden storage.
1. Log in to your Passwarden account.
2. Go to the WhatsApp section
3. Tap on the edit option
4. Add the new password in the password field
5. Click on the save button