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How to Change Pixlr Password

Pixlr is a photo editing and designing app that provides users with ample tools to aid their visual creativity. This amazing app has great functionalities and features that can be used by graphic designers, corporates or just individuals who like expressing their creativity through photo editing. Creatives all over the world love this app because it is versatile and can be accessed through your browser, your mobile phone or desktop.

Before discussing the reasons why you should change your Pixlr password, we will look at why this is an important app to have.

What Makes Pixlr Such a Great App to Use?

  • Animations

Pixlr has animation presets that can be used to create images that capture the attention of your audience. By adding these animations, simple images look professional and more appealing.

  • Remove background

With just a simple click, the user can erase the image background with ease. This is a particularly necessary functionality when you want to create posters and flyers.

  • Picture collage maker

Pixlr has collage templates available to simplify the art of creating beautiful collages. You simply select the template of choice; choose the images you want to use and start editing. Pixlr is user-friendly and can be used by beginners and experts in the photo editing world.

  • Filters and special effects

There are many filters to choose from when using Pixlr. You can also add special effects to your photos to add depth or simply tell a story.

Why Must You Change Your Pixlr Password?

You must regularly change your Pixlr password for online security purposes. Your Pixlr account contains your personal data that you use when signing up to use the app. This data includes your names, email address and other confidential information such as your financial information used when billing you for your subscription. As you edit your pictures or documents, they get saved on your Pixlr account unless you delete them. These are some of the reasons why making the decision to change your Pixlr password is important.


To Change Pixlr Password Follow These Simple Steps

To change your Pixlr password, you must follow these easy steps:

1. Go to your Pixlr app on your mobile device, or simply go to Pixlr through your browser.

2. Sign in with your username and password.

3. Once you are logged in, click on your Profile and click the Pen image next to your password to change your password.

4. You will be required to add the old password as well as the new password you want to change to.


To ensure that your Pixlr password is strong, you must follow password security practices such as using a combination of digits, letters and special characters when creating a password. You must also ensure that you use longer passwords to reduce the possibility of your passwords being guessed. It is also important to change your passcodes frequently across all your apps. One of the most important password security measures you must take is to get a password manager that will securely store your passwords.

Do you want to keep safe your Pixlr data or other login credentials?

Download Passwarden right now!

other platforms

Passwarden is also part of MonoDefense security bundle.

Why Is Passwarden a Must-have Password Manager


Passwarden is one of the most trusted applications developed to securely store and effectively manage your passwords, online credentials, and other personal information. As a password manager, Passwarden stores your passwords in secure Vaults where they are protected using bullet-proof AES-256 and ЕС р-384 data encryption protocols.  

Passwarden streamlines the process of generating secure passwords with just a few clicks. Passwarden also has a convenient and simple data migration feature that simplifies the process of getting all your passwords from external sources such as Google Chrome, LastPass and other browsers.

What Are The Benefits of Using Passwarden

Security Dashboard

Passwarden is always looking out for you by maximising your password security. This solution will ensure that you are alerted if your password is not secure enough or if it has been reused. It looks out for password vulnerabilities you may not be able to notice to protect you from possible data breaches.

Password sharing

If you wish to share your passwords with a selected group of people, Passwarden is a safe and secure solution to achieve this without the risk of sending them via emails or text messages. You can share a Vault that contains the password you want to share without exposing other passwords that are in your other Vaults.

Duress mode

If you’re ever forced to open Passwarden under duress, enter a dedicated duress password to conceal previously designated important data and passwords.

Data encryption

Passwarden uses AES-256 and ЕС р-384 data encryption protocols to ensure that your data is hidden from cyber criminals looking to hack your devices and accounts.

Two-factor authentication

For enhanced password security, Passwarden will send a One-Time Passcode to your email address or authenticator app to ensure that only you can access your account.

Download Passwarden without delay and enjoy the benefits

of easy password generation and secure storage of all your passcodes