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What Is a Netflix Password Breach and How To Prevent It

Netflix is a very popular streaming platform. By paying a monthly subscription, you get access to a wide range of entertaining TV series and movies. It features a wide range of content, from well-loved classics to original Netflix series and movies. 

Streaming has become a widely used form of entertainment around the world, with millions of users streaming content every day. Being so popular, Netflix is at risk of a data breach! Because of the large number of users, such a breach would leak information of millions of people. Data breaches occur when data from a certain platform is leaked to the public. When it comes to password breach in particular, it is when passwords are leaked during a breach. 

This can be extremely dangerous, if a hacker has your data, they now have access to your Netflix account. All your account data is now right at their fingertips, and not only that, these hackers can now access any other account where you have used the same password!

But unless you use a secure password manager or manually check if your data has been leaked, you will not be aware of this issue. This highlights the importance of high-level internet security and why it is almost necessary in today’s online world to use such a manager.

What Makes a Password Strong?


As soon as you find out that your password has been leaked in a breach, it is critical that you update it, as well as any others which are the same, immediately! When doing so, you must ensure that the new password is strong to safeguard yourself against cybercrime


  • 8 characters in length. The longer it is, the more time is needed to crack it! 8 characters is usually the standard when it comes to creating an online account, but even when it is not required, you should stick to this.
  • It is unique. Having the same password for all your accounts is tempting because it's easy to keep track of passwords this way. But this means that if one account is compromised, so are all the others.
  • It does not contain personal information. Personal information is commonly used, and therefore it is easy to guess and puts you at great risk.
  • Numbers, symbols, upper- and lower-case letters are used. Using a variety of characters makes your password strong and complex and much more challenging to hack. 


Passwarden is a very good tool when it comes to passwords, not only does the application generate strong ones for you, but it also ensures that these are safely and securely stored. These are then available to you across any device on which you are logged into your Passwarden account.

Do you want to be assured that your online data is protected?

Download Passwarden and test the free trial!

other platforms

Passwarden is also available as a part of the MonoDefense software bundle.

Password managers, like Passwarden, are a very good option as they are designed to notify you immediately when a platform you use has experienced a data breach. This is advantageous because you do not need to manually check for breaches yourself. There are added features of these managers that make your online data even more secure, such as random strong password generation and secure storage.


If you would rather check manually, you can do so by using ‘HaveIBeenPwned’ or ‘BreachAlarm’. These are websites where you can enter your email address, and you will be alerted if data from any accounts you created with the email address has been breached in a leak. A disadvantage to this is that you will not be automatically notified of a breach, rather you would have to regularly check it yourself.


So now you have learned how to create a strong password and how to check for a breach. If your Netflix data has been breached, you have to update your password through Netflix, as well as in your Passwarden storage.

How To Update Your Password in Passwarden


1. Log into your Passwarden account by entering your master password.

2. Then, from the menu, choose your Netflix account.

3. In the right corner of the screen, select the edit button.

4. Type your new password into the field provided.

5. Hit the save button to update it.

What Makes Passwarden So Secure?

Master password


Using this is the only way to access your Passwarden account, meaning you are the only one who can do this!

Secure encryption protocols


Passwarden keeps your data safe by using both AES-256 and ЕС р-384 protocols. This means your data is inaccessible, not even our employees can see it.

Two-factor authorization


Whenever you log in, you will be personally emailed with a one-time passcode that is the only way to access your account.

An added measure of safety  


Passwarden is available in our exclusive MonoDefense bundle, which includes a VPN service too.

Secure online security is available right now

Get Passwarden now, on all your devices!