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What is Mikrotik And Its Security

Mikrotik is a Latvian-based company that specializes in manufacturing routers and wireless ISP systems. They also develop other hardware such as access points and network switches, as well as sophisticated software like operating systems and auxiliary software. Mikrotik operates globally, providing connectivity to many individuals and businesses around the world. Mikrotik routers function by using Mikrotik’s own RouterOS software system, which allows for a stable and secure connection.


Mikrotik sells a variety of router models, each one specifically designed to fit niche connectivity needs. Regardless of which device you chose, it will operate using the RouterOS software. For device setup, you need to install the RouterOS software and then follow the setup instructions. When setting up, every Mikrotik router is configured with the IP address, with a default username labeled ‘Admin’. There is no default password on the device. After logging for the time thing, it is essential that you have a new user profile along with a secure account password.

Mikrotik Default Settings

Default user login information usually comes standard with router devices, as well as firewalls, switches, and access points. This makes the setup of the device universal across the brand’s range of devices. However, the purpose of this default login information is only to make setup easy and simple, so once it is set up, you must create your own account with a new and secure password. 

If unedited, these default settings pose a huge security risk. Default account information for most devices can easily be found online through an internet search. Thus, you are made vulnerable to attack. This is especially dangerous when it comes to network devices such as routers. With access to your router, a hacker can easily gain access to information on any device connected to the router’s network. 

If your network router gets hacked, you are at risk for the following:

  • Accounts being hacked
  • Identity theft
  • Bank account compromisation

To protect yourself, it is advised that you change the default information when you set up your device for the first time. When doing so, it is critical to create a password that is strong and secure.

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